Super Mario Bros: The game that started it all is still available on Nintendo Switch.Rarely has that moustache looked so resplendent, especially when it's paired with a bright yellow cape. Aside from introducing Yoshi to the world, this launch game for 1990's Super Nintendo Entertainment System benefits from that console's 16-bit graphical effervescence. Super Mario World: Unlike many of Mario's early years outings, Super Mario World still holds up remarkably well.Whether you’re revisiting it for nostalgia’s sake or taking a first trip to one of the most important games ever created, this is still a stone cold classic. With more colour, more creativity and most importantly more variety than either of its two predecessors, even though it was made by just eleven people – the lead designer being Nintendo’s Mario maestro, Shigeru Miyamoto. Super Mario Bros 3: Bros 3 changed the world of video games way back in 1988.Want to know where to start with Mario's endeavours on the subscription service? Look no further…

That means those games outside of the ever-expanding Nintendo Switch Online catalogue, which now encompasses the majority of the Chris Pratt impersonator's back catalogue. For reasons of sheer brevity, we're kept our ranking to those Mario games that have been released specifically for the Nintendo Switch.